Monday, 17 June 2013

Chapter 11: Reveling with Richard.

"Ahh..." Muffled moans could be heard from the initial room I was at with Elaine. The party at Gerald's Penthouse has just ended, and just as the crowd dispersed, the sounds of pleasure making grew increasingly louder as I approached the room.

My lipstick slipped from the clutch, and I just had to retrieve it. The warm rosy hue of the lipstick color was my absolute favorite, and I was positive it dropped out whilst I was in Elaine's room. The moans were almost arousing to hear as I tread lightly. The door was shut, but not locked. I turned the doorknob lightly - Unsure about whether knocking would be the better idea. The front lounge was empty. They were probably in the karaoke area at the back.

I tried my luck searching the front lounge but to no avail. I knew it had to be on the booth chairs in the karaoke area. A red velvet drape was all that separated them from my sight. I pressed my back against the wall and sneaked a peek from the gap formed by the curtain hanging an inch away from the wall. I saw a pair of bare legs, with panties pulled down right to her ankles. Her tiny buttocks indicated that the woman was slim.

My brain was telling me to just drop the hunt and head home, but the erotic atmosphere lured me like vile serpents and beat my conscience hands down. Thank god the lights were dimmed. I lifted the curtain an inch further. There were 3 of them. And one of them was Elaine. Her Lanvin dress had their straps pulled down in a disorientated fashion as though it was done with haste and clumsiness. Her taut breasts spilled out from the top, her nipples were perky and in an arousing shade of brown.

I could only make out the shape of the man's arm around the skinny girl's waist as she got down on fours. Elaine, with her panties hanging desperately to the straps of her heels was puckering at the skinny girl's nipple, her hands grabbing at the tiny lumps and rubbing the free teat that was standing - or at least I believed it probably was. The lack of light made it hard for me to get a clear picture even after my Lasik.

The moans heightened as I witnessed the skinny girl taken in doggystyle. The man's arms were grabbing her hips tight as her body shook violently. She was almost screaming as Elaine continued her role, her lips never once did let go of the nipple. Elaine's left hand slid down to caress her own breast, grabbing at the firmness  as her lips parted to let out soft, sophisticated moans.

Then, I spotted my lipstick. It was nestled in between the wedges of two cushions, right at the skinny girl's knees. The way things were heated at that moment, I knew it was impossible and rude, even, to barge in or disturb the trio in any way. I let loose of the curtains, and turned to leave. Just as I walked into the front lounge and out of the room, I realized that my panties were wet. It was so bad that I had to rush to the restroom to clean the juices before heading home.

The scene never left my head that night - and somehow, the dark side of me wanted to try it so bad... a threesome. And just my luck, Kevin was in Cary's room that night. It was a rare occasion since Cary always apologized for staying over at Kevin's so often that I joked she should just let me have ownership of her house. Cary's muffled moans could be heard from through the wall as Kevin made love to her.

I felt the sore, angry ache from my pussy as I tried to get to sleep. I needed a man so bad.

It was finally Friday. Thursday was such a drag for me as I forced myself to sit through the classes. I went to Velvet Kiss early, which astounded everyone since I was always late. I sat on my stool in the powder room in solitude. Tiffany was not there yet.

"You are very special to me, Violette. And there's someone I would love for you to meet ... and strappy heels please." Gerald's words echoed in my head, sending frantic pulses from my heart to all parts of my body. Who could it be? 

Taking my time, I applied my make up, more carefully than ever. I pulled out my drawer, and found a barely used lipstick in temptress red. The color went across my lips like silk, and instantly brightened my whole face. I dabbed a soft shimmery lip gloss over to complete the look. My lips look pouty, alluring and kissable. 

I tried to visualize the feel of a man's hand on my collarbone, his index finger gliding across, before sliding down to my breast, circling it deliberately slow, teasing the aerola surrounding my nipple. I unbuttoned my blouse and took off my bra, staring into the mirror at my half naked reflection, my mind whipped away into a surreal world of secret fantasies. 

I could feel juice seeping out from below. My fingers reached into my cotton shorts and touched the wet fabric of my panties. My nether lips shivered in paralyzing excitement as I dipped my fingers slightly into my pussy. I sat still for awhile whilst my fingers stroked the walls - and then I stopped. I wanted to save the pent up hunger... for something, someone better. Instead, my fingers went across the nape of my neck, the delicate skin behind my ears and in the middle of my cleavage, smearing them with juice. I read somewhere the scent of it heightens arousal in men. 

Just as I got up to make my way to the wardrobe, Tiffany entered the room with bed hair and oversized t-shirt. "Rushing somewhere?" I laughed as I went forward to take her bag, the slight draught from the corridor caused my nipples to stand so hard it felt sore. Depositing her bag into our lockers, I stripped down to just my panties as Tiffany turned to close the door behind us. I was still wet. Lucky for me, I was armed with a pantyliner, and it was not too bad. I changed into a fresh piece in our toilet as I heard Tiffany fumbling over her make up.

She blabbered about some China client who wanted to buy her a car as I flipped through my wardrobe, wondering what to wear. I finally locked eyes with a deep red mesh dress. A deep V slit down the middle was covered with mesh, as well as cut-outs at the waist, and the entire back area. Soft adorable drapes hung at the hips in a perplum fashion. I got it on sale from Ms Selfridge and never really found a fitting occasion for it.

I put on a nu-bra and proceeded to wriggle into the tight red number. The polyester stretched across my chest and hips, and was perfectly clinched at my waist as the zip zoomed up with a merry "zzzzzzzZ!" sound. I threw on the thigh high stockings that were so well-liked by Gerald and clipped them to my lace garters. Rolling down the dress, I readjusted everything to ensure they were appropriately set for my performance that night.

Truckloads of sea spray went across my hair as I scrunched at the roots for volume and texture. I rolled the ends into a ponytail before piling everything into a high bun fastened down with bobby pins. The voluminous roots created a soft pouf on top of my head, together with the dress and my red lips, I was of old Hollywood glamour. My trusty pair of 12cm high stilettos shone in its solid black as the straps criss-crossed up my feet, wrapping themselves against my skin like little satin snakes. I dusted glitter all over my hair and decolletage before moving forward to help Tiffany get ready. I felt... incredibly sexy that night.

Tiffany wore a snow white shift dress with a high thigh split at the side, and wore matching stockings with garters, except that hers were white. I helped her to backcomb her hair, teasing it and setting it with hairspray until they held together and appeared slick. Her hair was styled to mimic Old Hollywood iconic star Audrey Hepburn. She dug out an old pair of white satin gloves, and slipped into a pair of nude heels.

It was 15 minutes before the show, and we have already reached the Penthouse suite. I told Tiffany about Gerald's words and we were both excited about the mystery person that he was going to introduce to me.

"Wow, maybe he is tall, charming and handsome!" Tiffany gushed excitedly as we set up the stage. I gave a small smile, not wanting to keep my hopes up. But deep inside i knew anticipation was already blown out of proportion.

"Hey Violette, you got a minute?" Candice, a girl from my team peeked from the side curtains.

I nodded and walked to her side. "What's up?" I asked casually.

"Tracy, Stella and I are supposed to do the pole dance tonight. But I really can't make it because my father has been admitted to the hospital. And you are the only one who knows the dance moves... Is it possible if you could take over after your performance at the Penthouse? I would really love to rush down to the hospital..." Candice pleaded, the rims of her eyes cried red.

"How will I have the heart to say no?" I patted her back reassuringly, promising to take her place. I checked my watch; that would mean I wouldn't have time to meet the mystery man/woman right after the performance.

It was time for my show. Tiffany and I took our places, stand up mikes in hand. The lights dimmed, and the spotlight was on us. I tried to get my eyes accustomed to the pitch black ahead of me, hoping to catch a visible glimpse of Gerald, and the mystery person. Or, just the mystery person actually. But the black devoured my searching eyes as the music started to play.

The applause died down with the strums of guitar and melody of the piano. Tiffany was already swaying and singing the back-up vocal lines. I grabbed the mike, my right hand on my hip as I took a deep breath.

"I love you... but I gotta stay true. My morals got me on my knees, I'm begging please, stop playing gaaaaames..." Tiffany and I belted out Mercy, by Duffy, which we found suited Hollywood glamour quite beautifully.

"You got me begging you for mercy... Why won't you release me?" I stuck out my hand to the audience, my body swaying in synchronization.

"You got me begging you got me begging, you got me beggin~" and then the music stopped. The spotlight disappeared and all the sudden, disco lights started flashing. A few of my team's girls joined us on stage, all with the same get-up. And then,

"I want nobody nobody but you, I want nobody nobody but you." We started dancing, and the crowd was crazy. Tiffany swapped positions with me as I shifted to the back, my eyes searching frantically but to no avail. The bevy of us girls moved in perfect choreography, and then, we took a bow and left the stage as the furious applause from the audience echoed merrily in our ears.

Stella and Tracy were already waiting for me backstage, my outfit in their arms. It was a dazzling black fringe set of bralette and skirt which was flowy and streamlined. I changed immediately, and allowed Tiffany to help me touch up on my make up before running off in a frenzy. I had ditched my black heels for a strappy silver one, having remembered Gerald's remarks of strappy shoes.

I was able to steal a quick glance in Gerald's direction as I headed for the door, but to my disappointment, the chairs beside him were all unoccupied. He had already been informed prior to my performance that I was only able to look for him after the pole dance, and lucky for me, he said that was not an issue. Was that the reason why he was alone? I shook my head vigorously to get the thoughts out. I guess loneliness was getting the better of me. I felt like a meek, desperate and horny woman.

The dance poles were at the main lounge on the second floor, where the men were more rowdy and uncouth. Tracy and Stella were to go topless at the end of the dance, but as I was from the upper tier, I had the rights to refuse baring my tits to the public. So I made a little correction to fix that part.

The music played, as the 3 of us stepped up onto the podium. Guys swarmed around like hungry piranhas, their hands outstretched and attempting to get a feel of our legs. I twirled and wiggled, sliding up and down the pole having being the one who choreographed the dance, I did it with unparalleled grace. I scaled the pole effortlessly before holding up with just my legs, released my hands and dangled upside down. The fringe of the dress followed the gravitational pull as the top layer of fringe tickled at my breasts.

Men surrounding the podium cheered and shouted as they clapped. The bridge of the Pussycat dolls song came as Tracy and Stella took off their tops, swirling them like a lasso before throwing the fabrics into the waiting crowd. I could have sworn the men look like kids looking at candy as they catcalled and took out their cash. I removed my top as well, revealing a see-through soft bralette that was made entirely of chiffon, held together by just the metal boning. It was seductive enough, and no one was complaining.

We bent really low into a squat against the poles, our asses jutting out towards the chaotic crowd. The men touched our asses, attempting bolder moves as they stuffed the money down our tight thongs. Tracy and Stella were well-trained on how to really pump up the atmosphere as they turned around, jiggling their breasts to taunt the men. And those who were lucky enough to snag a touch of their boobs threw 50s and 100s onto the stage.

I stood up, my body following the beat automatically. I saw a man who was seated at the back, appearing disinterested. He was one of the only few seated at the tables who were not clambering at the podium. Our gaze met as he sipped his whiskey in a dignified manner. The spotlight made it hard to focus on his looks, but I mustered a small, polite smile.

When the performance ended, the three of us went backstage as I hurried into my clothes. I was anxious to get to the Penthouse. I exited backstage, and then there was the man, from the tables. The UV light matched with flickering disco lights made it hard to fully appreciate his features, but I could tell he was very handsome for his age.

It was just one of my usual hit-ons by clients. I knew it would be beneficial to go over to his table and try to get him under my list to push for sales, but I was so eager to get to Gerald's penthouse. I smiled again as I took out my name-card, not wanting to drop my anxious gait. I wanted to politely show him I was in a rush.

"Hello there, I saw you sitting there. I hope you enjoyed our performance! Here is my name-card. I have to rush off to an appointment... I hope to see you again when you are free." He took the card graciously with both hands, nodded and walked me to the lift.

"See you around then... Violette." He barely saw the card details as he slipped it into his pocket. I waved as the lift door closed. Wow, I guessed my name was well known by the customers.

I burst through the fancy doors of the Penthouse as I scouted for Gerald. I spotted him with a few men and Tiffany.

"You are finally here." Gerald stood up as he guided me to an empty spot on the plush sofa. "These are my clients, you'd show them a good time, wouldn't you?" His eyes twinkled whilst his hands were busy pouring me a drink. I shook hands with all of them before taking my seat.

"Is the one you want to introduce to me here?" I asked Gerald as he handed me my glass.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Richard, the guy I wanted to introduce to you said he had to leave for awhile after your performance just now. I am not sure if he will be coming back tonight, though." Gerald failed to detect my disappointment, which was good. I just shrugged and shifted my attention to socializing with his clients.

But Tiffany could. She knew I was crestfallen. She proposed a toast as she scooted over to give me a small pat on my lap. The men then took to the balcony for a smoking break, leaving us girls with just Gerald.

"Babe, I would love to chat with you as per normal, but these clients are important to me. Will you ask the girls to do something special? I'll give you ladies 3 thousand dollar tip for sharing later." I nodded to show I understood the importance. He took his leave to join the smoking gang.

"Did you get to see Richard?" I asked Tiffany. She shook her head sadly, sympathizing my emotions. "I had to settle some dispute among two girls just now. When I got to Gerald, he said Richard has already left." I heaved and then, got myself up with a smile on my face. "Its okay! It's just a man. Let's get to work to help Gerald. For the 3000$!" Tiffany joined me as we did a victory punch.

The "something special" was a code. The girls just had to behave really wild and really inebriated which was easy, since they were already feeling the high, thanks to the ample flow of alcohol under Gerald's tab. We gathered the girls and conveyed the message. When the clients came back, it was as though everyone was on aphrodisiac. Some girls were half naked, some were making out with each other whilst some crowded around the men, teasing and cooing, begging to be played with.

The clients were caught off-guard, but in a positive way. Amid the haze and flickering lights, they started kissing and touching. Tiffany caught the interest of one German client as they disappeared into the balcony. I was on the couch sipping my drink when one of the girls approached me, one of the clients holding her hand. She proceeded to straddle his lap as he sat down beside me. The girl tilted her head towards my lips, and started to kiss me.

The man enjoys girl-on-girl action, I deduced as I played along. I reciprocated her touch on my body by sliding my hands up and down her thighs. The man unbuttoned her shirt before placing my hand on her right breast. I cupped it gently before dipping my fingers into her bra, reaching for her nipple. I fingered the taut bud as she moaned gently while working on the straddle. Playtime with MiMi granted me great experience as I lowered my head, my lips caught hold of her sensitive nipple as I nibbled on it, licking and sucking to her fancy. I could tell the client was very much aroused as I spotted his erection through those tailored pants.

Just as thing were heating up, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned back - It was the man from the second floor previously. I stood up, not wanting to appear alarmed. How did he get up to the Penthouse? From his posture, he must have been standing there and watching for quite sometime. He smiled and extended his hand for a shake. That bought me enough time to study his appearance without seeming too impolite.

He had a strong, masculine jawline to match the manly charm he exuded. A mixture of salt & pepper grazed the black that crowned his head in a short and neat fashion. He was tall, probably standing at 1.8 and had no trace of whatever unsightly physique a man of his age should have. Instead, he was tanned and muscled without being too much of an exaggeration. His eyes, with their slight double eyelids and thick lashes were mesmerizing yet commanding. When matched with his slight frown and shapely, kissable lips, he reminded me of those tv series where they always had the really attractive bosses that made the show seem like soft porn.

I guess he was in his early 40s. I tried to prevent my heart from racing, but it was defying my orders. I shook his hand as I tried to appear undaunted. It was the first time I found myself attracted to a much older man. But with him looking like that, I was the least surprised.

"That was really... entertaining, what you did with her." He said it in the most polite tone he could. I raised my eyebrow before quipping "Oh, why, do you like it?" He chuckled before nodding, "Who wouldn't? Especially when the performer is attractive." He ended the bold statement with a slight grin and a wink that was almost impossible not to swoon over. But I fought hard as the ripples of excitement barely infiltrated my nonchalant facade.

"Anyway, the performances you put on just now were great. I would love to stay longer, but I have a morning flight tomorrow. I hope to see you again." He took out a card from his pocket.

Performances? I was bewildered. He only seen the pole dance. But wait, how was he able to access the Penthouse? I took the card as I watched him turn around to leave. I looked at the card in my hand. It was the name card I passed him earlier. But he wrote something at the back.

I made a dinner reservation at Equinox, next Friday night at 7.30pm, a day after my return. I hope you can make it.


Gerald approached me, wine in his hand and his cheeks flushed. He hung his arm around me and said "Richard left right after your songs to get a table on the 2nd floor so that he wouldn't miss your second performance. Pretty sweet huh?" That explained everything.

 As I stood in the middle with everyone around me in their pool of feisty tangled mess, I felt hot and flustered. My heart was struck with tremors that sprouted goosebumps all over, twitching and unable to recover from the shocking surprise. It felt as though I just had an orgasm better than anyone in the room. Richard.... It was then, at 21, did my story really begin.

It hides, when you're searching for it. It strikes, when you're giving up on it.

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